Vision statementAs an integral part of running a successful business, we aim to be a recognized leader in our sector for our commitment to integrating ESG parameters into our operations and demanding the same from our suppliers. We measure and report progress annually, so that stakeholders can hold us accountable for delivering on our commitments and sharing our shortcomings in a timely way.

By doing this, we will build trust with all stakeholders, attract the professional and scientific talent that is central to our business model, and be able to fulfil our mission to improve the lives of people, animals and patients through client partnerships, while minimising the impact of our activity on the planet and the communities in which we live and work.

Key highlights

Solar panels for generating electricity

EnvironmentWe believe that sustainable business growth can only be achieved by actively identifying and managing our environmental impact while helping clients make environmentally positive choices.


SocialOur firm commitment to making a positive impact in the world is evident through our endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact and our contributions to our local communities.

Syngene’s poster campaigns around safety and sustainability for our
                employees and their children.
Safety at Work

Safety at work

Employee’s of Syngene sitting together.
Empowering our employees

Empowering our employees

Mobile science lab which visits underserved schools in Bangalore.
Community Engagement


Scientists and experts from Syngene’s team working together.

GovernanceFrom the way we manage our suppliers, to the protection of our IT systems and data, the global quality standards that we apply to client projects and our in-house operational excellence processes, we are clear about our expectations of ourselves and others.

Case studies

ESG framework



  • Energy consumption and efficiency
  • Water consumption and efficiency
  • Waste management


  • Occupational health and safety
  • Talent acquisition and retention
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Community engagement


  • Corporate governance and business ethics
  • Cybersecurity
  • Supply chain
  • Regulatory
  • Digitization