Corporate governance

Driving ethical excellence

Our commitment to robust corporate governance influences every aspect of our operations. As a listed Company, we comply with all relevant laws, regulations and governance standards mandated by the Stock Exchange Board of India. Going beyond these basics, we uphold high standards of individual integrity, business ethics, labour practices and environmental management.

A person in a suit pointing at a screen

Governance processes & approach

Our governance framework ensures business resilience and progress towards sustainability goals.

We continually review and update our policies to keep them relevant and accessible to stakeholders. Internal and external audits help us assess adherence to standards, laws and reporting regulations, providing valuable insights for management and shareholders.

The Syngene Board team

Our board

The Syngene Board comprises a diverse mix of directors, including executive, non-executive and independent members. With complementary skills and experience, our Board ensures independent, objective and effective oversight and decision-making. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is tasked with identifying and evaluating suitable candidates for the Board.

Executive ESG council

Chaired by our Managing Director & CEO, the Executive ESG Council oversees our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. It includes key executives responsible for maintaining ESG oversight and reporting to the Stakeholder Relationship and ESG Committee of the Board.

A group of people sitting in a conference room

Board committees

Audit Committee icon

Audit committee

Risk Management
Committee icon

Risk management committee

Stakeholders Relationship & ESG Committee icon

Stakeholders relationship & ESG committee

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee icon

Corporate social responsibility committee

Nomination & Remuneration Committee icon

Nomination & remuneration committee

Science & Technology Committee icon

Science & technology committee


Board diversity

Our Board diversity policy emphasizes the importance of varied expertise, backgrounds and industry knowledge. All Board appointments are made based on merit, ensuring a balanced mix of skills necessary for effective governance. In FY24, 44% of Syngene's Board members were female.


ESG in action

Our MD & CEO oversees the implementation of our ESG strategy, with support from the Executive ESG Council. Regular updates are provided to the Stakeholders Relationship and ESG Committee, while an ESG working group drives initiatives across our operations.


Code of conduct and compliance

Our employee code of conduct sets clear expectations regarding matters such as conflict of interest, workplace harassment and anti-corruption. A dedicated business ethics team monitors compliance and a proprietary compliance tool, Synpliance, tracks adherence to standards and regulations. The Code of Conduct is being revised with additional provisions on key areas such as anti-bribery, conflict of interest, fair employment, fair competition and social media usage guidelines.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
A person using a tablet with graphics

Supplier ethics framework

We extend our commitment to ethical business practices to our suppliers, contractors and business associates through our Supplier Code of Conduct. Prior to onboarding, suppliers undergo due diligence in areas such as corruption and labour standards.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Whistleblower mechanism

We provide various channels for stakeholders to report non-compliance concerns, ensuring confidentiality and non-retaliation for whistleblowers. In FY24, eight whistle-blower complaints were received, all of which were thoroughly investigated and closed.

Training & awareness

We prioritize training on our Code of Conduct, anti-bribery, anti-corruption and prevention of sexual harassment for all employees. Board members also undergo familiarization Programs on critical subjects like cybersecurity and strategic planning.

Memberships and trade associations

Syngene actively engages with industry associations and advocacy organizations to play a significant role in shaping industry standards and practices.

Key stakeholders

CSR partners icon

CSR partners

R&D, manufacturing and other commercial clients icon

R&D, manufacturing and other commercial clients

Vendors icon


Local and national authorities icon

Local and national authorities

Media icon


Employees icon


Investors/shareholders icon

Investors/ shareholders

Quality stakeholders icon

Quality stakeholders