Protecting our environment

Our commitment to environmental stewardship

An aerial view of a green river and mangroves.

At Syngene, we believe in achieving sustainable business growth by actively identifying and managing environmental considerations. Our commitment to resource conservation in energy, water and waste, including co-processing for energy recovery, showcases our dedication to sustainable business practices.

We have set ambitious targets for energy and water use, emissions and waste reduction as well as seeking energy and resource-saving initiatives across the entire value chain, from drug discovery through to manufacturing with the sole aim of conserving natural resources and doing more with less.

Navigating towards a greener future

Our approach to energy management centres around reducing consumption of fossil fuels through collaboration with local authorities to procure energy from renewable sources. We have set a target to source 96% of our energy from renewable sources by 2028.



is the Energy intensity for the current financial year


52,834 tCO2

GHG Savings

from efficiency measures



Electricity from green sources,

11.6% increase in renewable energy consumption


3.8% YoY

Energy consumption reduction



Decrease in GHG emissions intensity



Target to source energy from renewable sources by 2028


104 MW

Wind power plant capacity


27.45 MWDC

Solar power plant capacity


250 KW (100% in-house)

Solar rooftop capacity

Water conservation

Water is important for all Company operations. We manage freshwater consumption through continuously monitoring, reviewing and optimizing processes and adoption of new technologies.



year-on-year freshwater savings


80,365 KL

fresh water saved through reuse and recycling initiatives


2,140 KL

rainwater harvested


78,225 Kiloliters

of water saved through reuse and recycling initiatives


Zero liquid discharge

Mangalore and Bangalore sites

Waste management

We maintain ISO 14001:2015 certification for our Environment Management System and as part of this, we enforce safe and efficient segregation, storage and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste across all the campuses. As of December 2022, we have achieved Zero Waste to Landfill and are committed to maintaining this in the future. Further, we have also set a target to achieve 95% recycling of our waste by 2028.



Waste recycled


Zero waste to landfill

achieved as of December 2022

across all our campuses

Our waste management strategy focuses on reducing waste generation and increasing recycling, aligned with the circular economy principles. Initiatives include
co-processing chemical sludge, using biodegradable bags and eliminating single-use paper cups and PET bottles.

Environment 2028 targets

Energy and emissions


Renewable power sourcing

Water conservation


Reduction in freshwater consumption

Waste management


Recycling of our waste

A stone path in a forest

Green chemistry

Our green chemistry initiatives have delivered significant benefits. We have reduced solvent usage and curtailed waste generation during chemical processes, while enhancing process efficiency and reducing operational costs. We also ensure that our strategies not only minimize environmental impact but also correspond with practical industrial needs and comply with regulatory norms.

The concept of green chemistry:

  • Designing a green synthetic route for an API (active pharmaceutical ingredient)

  • Use of greener chemical solvents, reagents and catalysts

  • Implementation of energy-efficient reactions, elimination of redundant stages and reduction of harmful by-products

  • Maximizing atom economy to reduce waste generation



At Syngene, environmental stewardship is not just a commitment; it's a journey towards a greener, sustainable future.

As a responsible Company, we retain green spaces on all campuses, contributing to employee well-being and respecting the natural environment. Our community support programs seek opportunities to contribute to the local environment, recognizing the importance of biodiversity in our planet's ecological balance.

Case studies